"No good deed goes unpunished."
Turned over by Samhayne in order to keep himself unmolested, the avatar is cast by the Wyrmguard into a cell in the Dungeon Deceit. Fortunately, in some ways, deceit works both ways for not all is as it seems when you wake up. Illusions abound and even reality can be false here.

    cell & phase spider
      [east wall, appears after a time in the cell]
secret door
      (two illusory walls vanish as you near them)
      captive phase spider (touch to toggle whether you are in ethereal [walk through doors, actuate switches] or physical plane, use to switch buttons on (2) portcullis)
      [corner barrel east of cell door] armr:chain:coif
    other cell
      (2) potn:yellow
    [table west of cell door] key:gold key (???)
    [on first barrel south of table] bag
    [in second barrel from corner] armr:chain:arms
    [in east wall just north of blockade in south hall]
secret door (to glow room)
    [after return from Hiaram's Lair, south of blockade] red button (toggles illusory rock-fall blockade)
  glow room
    button (do not use)
    (touch the brazier, when the light is the same as the globe [green] the door east is unlocked)
  [west at the fork south of the glow room] gift & trial room
    green button (releases
skeleton, produces a weap:1H:cutlass)
    aqua button (produces potn:yellow)
    red button (shows the glowing walkway)
  transport maze
    (use glowing walkway to platform 1)
    platform 1
      purple button (reveals transpad to get to target platform)
      blue button (raises blocks to walk to platform 2)
    platform 2
      (it is not necessary to run but the blocks start sinking back into the lava as they are stepped on)
      transpad (takes you to the button array platform, the statue adjacent the south wall fires fireballs at you as you pass and continues as you are at the button array, some are duds not making it far, most miss but you can be hit on the platform, dodging is ineffective because of space & after all most miss)
    button array platform
      (if the fireballs from the statue close on you they more slow enough to dodge)
      (12) button (4X3 array, colors are meaningless they scramble each time the wrong button is pressed, any pressed button disappears, there is no penalty for a wrong guess, one button middle row second from left raises platforms to the north, the north-most has the second target for the shooter statue at target platform, also the block gives you access to the purple button on the east wall)
      target (kills the protection field on the center platform's teleporter when shot by the shooter statue on target platform +15 arcs from start)
      purple button (reveals transpad back to platform 1, in transit you pass the center platform with a green button on its east side, pressing the button diverts the moving pad to the center platform)
    target platform
      (transpad that brings you here goes back to platform 1 after you get off)
      buttons (
G G R B B - statue fires off a fireball in the direction it points when Red button is pressed, the Green and Blue buttons right next to the Red button rotate the statue a slight arc 5-6°, the outside buttons turn the statue ten times that arc, the Green buttons cause clockwise [negative] rotation while Blue cause counterclockwise [positive])
      [north wall] target (being shot causes the transpad from platform 1 to come back for a return trip -12 arcs from start)
    center platform
teleporter (to lava flows start, protected by field until second target shot)
      [east side] green button (diverts button array platform en route to platform 1 to the center platform)
      purple button (reveals transpad to platform 1)
  lava flows
    (Arrive from the transport maze at the center of the U-walkway near an attractor)
      right hand side
        valve platform
          target (extends walkway tongue when arrow shot)
          valve (lowers the lava flow's height)
        [under an image of the glyph of deceit] blue button (tilts plate of left arm of walkway to level)
        target block control platform
          target block (reveals a transpad to the northwest arm of the flow)
          control buttons (position the target block to be shot by the shooter statue shown by the crystal - 9 up and 9 right)
            purple (up)
            red (down)
            green (left - away from controls)
            blue (right - toward controls)
          crystal (shows the shooter statue on the left arm of walkway)
      left hand side
left guard statue (fires slow fireballs)
right guard statue (fires first when player steps on the plate that was tilted vertical until the player gets out of the line of sight, statues alternate, easily avoided)
shooter statue (fires west at the target block when touched)
    northwest arm
      [75°23'N,98°7'W] teleporter (to bow & arrow room)
      [73°49'N,96°18'W] headstone
      [75°25'N,96°44'W chest] armr:chain:gauntlets
[76°24'N,99°10'W] teleporter (target race room)
    bow and arrow room
      teleporter (back to northwest arm)
      [appears after short span over table] weap:misl:target bow
[nearest the target bow]
healing mirror (touch to activate, has multiple charges)
      [opposite above mirror] fireball mirror
statue (touch to receive a single gift of (100) weap:ammo:arrows on the nearby pedestal)
      [above the landing across from the one you arrived on] target (raises stairs up to top of that landing)
      [on landing opposite entry landing] pressure plate (stand on to reveal a target over the entry landing, shoot it then run, don't walk, over the board catwalk that appears, it will disappear quickly)
    [jump down to shelves under U-walkway, touching any of the headstones in the area lower the lava and start a clock, the first tick is right after the headstone is touched, on the 19th there is a beep and the lava starts to rise up to its former level]
    [near the target block control platform] pocket cave
      crystal (goats on ceiling room)
      teleporter (moving target room)
    moving target room
      telporter (back to pocket cave)
      target area (the carpeted region, stand here and fire arrows at the moving target that appears on the opposite wall, each hit causes a period of fast movement but it slows down, after four hits a key:blue globe appears on the block)
    [under plate of shooter statue and guard statues] armr:chain:boots
    [67°58'N,89°24'W chest] key:red globe (any one of the attractors)
    [70°19'N,89°52'W] attractor
    [71°54'N,90°59'W] transpad (returns to U-walkway)
    [under attractors where player arrived] crystal (shows fitting a yellow globe into an attractor, any globe will fit to any attractor in any order or combination, each reveals the next plate in a walkway to the escape teleporter)
    target race room
      teleporter (back to inbound teleporter)
      green button (starts race with 19 ticks, about 7 ticks are added after each target hit, first target is on the wall over the chest, second is over the teleporter, the last is on the wall as you head back to the chest; first tick target appears and time is dependant upon speed of good hits, prize is key:yellow globe)
      [chest] (2) potn:yellow
    north arm
      [76°29'N,92°16'W] headstone
      teleporter (to race maze)
      [on walkway] large teleporter (to Hairam's Lair)
    target race maze
      teleporter (return to north arm)
      [chest] mscl:Full Heal
red button (starts race, first target over chest, second over teleporter, last on wall opposite chest on way back, prize is key:green globe)
  Hairam's lair
Hiaram (the wyrmgaurd, Mariah turned by the column, when you arrive on her patch she conjures (2) doppelgangers of herself)
Gypsy (her pet hellhound, at its death stones rise out of the lava to allow you to get to Hiaram's patch)
    [68°35'N,105°5'W appears after at least one of Hiaram or her doppelgangers dies] transpad (first to column then to exit teleporter patch)
    [68°52'N,108°48'W] teleporter (Deceit prison exit beyond the stone fall blockade)